The nature conservation work in the Lower Oder Valley, organized under private law, rests on four pillars:
- the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley (Association),
- the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley (Foundation),
- the International Park Lower Oder Valley GmbH (GmbH) and
- the Öko Agrar GmbH Lower Oder Valley (Organic agriculture).
This 4‑pillar model has proven itself and is a role model for German nature conservation (see Article by T. Berg, K. Pötter & A. Vössing in the literature list).
In addition to nature conservation organized under private law, there is
- the National Park Administration (D‑16303 Schwedt, Park 2, Phone +49 3332 2677–0, Mail), which is part of the Brandenburg State Environment Agency and will have a team of eight employees in the future as well
- the Nature watch (D‑16303 Schwedt, Park 2), which belongs to the NaturschutzFondsBrandenburg, a foundation under public law that is controlled by the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture. There are currently eleven rangers working here.
For the two Polish protected areas, Cedynski Park Krajobrazowy (Zehden Landscape Protection Park) and Krajobrazowy Dolina Dolej Odry Park (Lower Oder Valley Landscape Protection Park) is responsible:
- Dyrekcja Parku Krajobrazowego Dolina Dolnej Odry i Cedynskiego Parku Krajobrazowego (PL-74–100 Gryfino, ul. Armii Krajowej 36, Phone +48 91 415 01 39, Mail).
Of course, in addition to the institutions specializing in the national park, the regional groups of the large nature conservation associations, e.g. Nature Conservation Association (NABU) very active in the area.