Veg­e­ta­tion and bird life in the nation­al park

Franziska Tan­neberg­er (chair of Prof. Dr. Michael Suc­cow) from the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Uni­ver­si­­ty in Greif­swald will take over the excur­sion through the nation­al park on Sat­ur­day, April 30th, 2005 at 9:00 am. The meet­ing point is the park­ing lot at the Teero­fen­brücke Wilder­ness School. Ms. Tan­neberg­er is cur­rent­ly research­ing the plant com­mu­ni­ties of the Friedrich­sthaler Pold­er with sev­er­al diplo­ma stu­dents (5/6). So she is per­son­al­ly in the mid­dle of eco­log­i­cal research in the nation­al park. Bring binoc­u­lars, weath­er­proof cloth­ing, good shoes and enjoy nature.

The tour is free of charge, dona­tions and pri­or reg­is­tra­tion by tele­phone on Tel.-No .: 03332/219822 are requested.

The board of directors