The Pol­ish land­scape pro­tec­tion park “Low­er Oder Valley”
Canoe hike in the Zwischenoderland

Under the lead­er­ship of the direc­tor of the Pol­ish land­scape pro­tec­tion park, Dr. Blan­dy­na Migdal­s­ka, an excur­sion by the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion through the Zwis­chen­oder­land will take place on Sun­day, June 12th, 2005. It starts at 10 a.m. at the bor­der cross­ing, Mescherin bridge.

The expert guid­ed tour in Ger­man takes you by canoe through exten­sive reed and reed areas to the bird ring­ing sta­tion east of Gartz / Oder.

For this excur­sion, not only is a pri­or, bind­ing reg­is­tra­tion required under the phone num­ber: 03332/219822, but also a con­tri­bu­tion to the costs. It is € 8 for adults and € 5 for chil­dren up to 18 years of age. This cov­ers the costs for the boats, tech­ni­cal sup­port and the inter­preter. All par­tic­i­pants should bring their iden­ti­ty card with them.

The board of directors