The Lower Oder Valley National Park Foundation was founded in 1995 by the State of Berlin, PCK Raffinerie GmbH, from Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park “Unteres Odertal” and the state of Brandenburg as a donor as a foundation under civil law with legal capacity and endowed with endowment capital of DM 2 million. A board of trustees of ten internationally known experts oversees the work of the board. Since 1995 the chairman of the board of trustees has been the long-time director of Zoo and Tierpark Berlin, Dr. Bernhard Blaszkiewitz. The board of directors is the biologist Dr. Ansgar Vössing.
According to its statutes, the foundation has the following tasks:
Board of directors

Dr. Ansgar Vössing
Dr. Ansgar Vössing, born in Berlin in 1957, did his doctorate after studying biology, theology and philosophy in Berlin and Münster with a thesis on the social learning of primates in the zoo. He worked as a lecturer at the Freie Universität of Berlin, as a teacher at Berlin schools and as a journalist for the Berliner Morgenpost before he became speechwriter for the Governing Mayor of Berlin in 1988. From 1989–1991, the married father of four children worked in the scientific advisory service for the parliamentary groups in the Berlin House of Representatives. From 1991–1993 he worked for the Brandenburg Ministry of the Environment as a cabinet, parliament and federal advisor, later mainly as head of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Administration (under construction). In 1993 he returned to the Berlin Senate Chancellery as head of the department for political planning and policy matters and as deputy head of the press and information office. Since 2002 he has been responsible for environmental protection, research, education, culture and media in the department for federal and European affairs. On numerous trips through four continents, he was able to get an overview of nature conservation work in the world’s most important national parks. On a voluntary basis, he is the vice chairman of the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V. and as a member of the board of the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley.
The foundation was initially involved in environmental education, visitor information and the preparation of excursions, and since 2002 it has also invested heavily in land acquisition. Since 2015, the National Park Foundation has also been involved in the purchase of land in the Randow quarry, in particular for food habitats in an extremely intensively used landscape for the very rare and endangered spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina) to create on this. Öko Agrar GmbH acquired already sixty hectares between the Blumberg Forest and the Zichower Forest.
The foundation is both sponsoring and operational. With the founding of her one hundred percent daughter, the International Park Lower Oder Valley GmbH, submitted to them (see there). But she has been taking care of that excursion program since 1998, in which scientists from their partner organizations, in particular from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, from Zoo and Tierpark Berlin, but also from universities and research institutions in the region, guide visitors through their specialist areas free of charge, scientifically challenging, but also generally understandable.
In 2013, in addition to Internationalpark Unteres Odertal gGmbH, she also founded Öko Agrar GmbH Unteres Odertal, in which she bundles her agricultural activities (see there). This includes keeping and breeding of Water buffalo in Friedrichsthaler (5/6) and Fiddichower Polder (10), but also from Bison next to the Criewener Park. The nearly one hundred water buffalo are intended to demonstrate an economically and ecologically sound balance between nature conservation and agriculture.
The bison breeding (2016: 2.4) is not only intended to make a contribution to the conservation of the last wild cattle in Europe, which was at home in the Lower Oder Valley long before the Brandenburg state government and the national park administration, but also provide impetus for tourism will.
The National Park Foundation has been editing this since 2004 National Park Yearbook Lower Oder Valley, a forum for everyone who has something to say about rural issues in this region. The most important contributions with a regional reference can be found at Publications.
The National Park Foundation works closely with other nature conservation foundations. She is also interested in donations that are also earmarked for a specific purpose.
- Church in Lenné Park in the immediate vicinity of the headquarters of the National Park Foundation in Criewen Castle
Account details:
Account no .: 350 106 40 (Stadtsparkasse Schwedt)
Bank code: 170 523 02
IBAN: DE15 1705 2302 0035 0106 40
If you need a donation receipt, please give your exact address on the transfer slip. Thanks.