The Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley was founded in 1992 by conservationists, scientists, local politicians, pastors, industrialists and hoteliers to popularize the still young national park idea and to help found a national park. An essential prerequisite for the establishment of the national park was the acquisition of the land that was predominantly in private hands or under trust management. This land acquisition was only in the context of one Large-scale conservation project of national representative importance, if only because of its size. As a result, one of its first tasks is to submit an application for funding under the Riparian strip program of the Federal Republic of Germany in October 1992 and received approval.
For this, the National Park Association and nature conservation are responsible to the then Environment Minister, Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, and the then State Secretary, Clemens Stroetmann, (BMU) and the then President of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Prof. Dr. Martin Uppenbrink, thank you very much.
Since 2011, the National Park Association has also edited the at least once a year National park newspaper which is made available free of charge in large numbers, especially to the residents of the region, as an important information medium.
- Criewen Castle, seat of the National Park Association
Goals of the association

Thomas Berg
Thomas Berg was born on January 8, 1960 in Berlin / Treptow. After graduating from high school in 1979, he also became a skilled worker for communications technology at the Deutsche Reichsbahn. He studied Protestant theology in Greifswald and Halle (Saale) and took over in 1990 Parish office in Lunow , Barnim district at the southern end of the Lower Oder Valley National Park. At the same time he worked on a voluntary basis from 1993–2006 as parliamentary group leader of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in the district council in Eberswalde. Since 1998 he has been chairman of the board of the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V., since 2014 a member of the board of trustees of the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley. He is married to the doctor Almut Berg and the couple have two grown children.
Founding chairman from 1992 to 1998 was Dr. Helmut Gille, Thomas Berg has been CEO since 1998. The Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley has full members, as well as a large number of friends and supporters who feel connected to nature conservation in general and the Lower Oder Valley in particular and support the nature conservation work of the association in a variety of ways . This includes financial donations and bequests, as well as assistance in word and deed. There are many opportunities for friends and sponsors to volunteer. They range from the activity of the excursion leader to the support of biotope-setting measures such as the creation of trees and the maintenance of dry lawns to the supervision of nesting aids and the control of the contractual nature conservation. In addition to practical activities in the field, administrative work in the office or support in environmental education, i.e. when working with children, is helpful and desirable.
The National Park Association is therefore a participatory association, where everyone in extremely flat hierarchies can take responsibility for themselves, but in a community of like-minded people, the work and tasks that they personally enjoy and that correspond to their abilities and inclinations. The association not only offers an integration into the specific nature conservation work on site tailored to the wishes and interests of the friends and sponsors, but with its national park get-togethers and its regular, comprehensive written information also a thorough participation in the problems and progress of nature conservation work. The association is open to new friends and sponsors and would be happy to welcome you to the Lower Oder Valley at the next opportunity.
- Rubbish collection campaign in the national park by the national park association
Account details:
Account no .: 300 11 235 (Stadtsparkasse Schwedt)
Bank code: 170 523 02
IBAN: DE11 1705 2302 0030 0112 35
If you need a donation receipt, please give your exact address on the transfer slip. Thanks.