The Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V.
and the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley welcome you to their website.
The Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V.
and the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley welcome you to their website.
The Association of Friends of German-Polish
European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V. and
the Lower Oder Valley National Park Foundation
welcome you to their website.
Dear friends of nature, dear visitors,
we warmly welcome you to Germany’s only floodplain national park in north-east Brandenburg.
You will find some interesting information here, which is not intended to replace a personal visit to the lively meadow landscape, but only to prepare it. We offer you exciting Excursions, Places to stay in the Wilderness school, Conferences in the Brandenburg Academy and fresh Meat from the national park, in short a holistic offer that you can also access via this page. So we look forward to seeing you in the national park.
Conservation of nature is not only a state but also a social responsibility, a question of civic engagement. That is why many volunteers have been involved in the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Lower Oder Valley e.V. (National Park Association), in the National Park Foundation Lower Oder Valley (National Park Foundation), in the International Park Lower Oder Valley GmbH or in the Öko Agrar GmbH Lower Oder Valley. This social commitment is also reported on the following pages. Maybe you are interested in participating. We would be glad.
The board of directors