The ornithol­o­gist group “Oder­hüh­nchen”, a part­ner of the Nation­al Park Asso­ci­a­tion for years, was again on the week­end in the Low­er Oder Val­ley to observe and doc­u­ment the nat­ur­al his­to­ry trea­sures. We would like to refer you to your press release and pho­to, print­ed below, and ask for your attention.

Bird hunting with a difference

On Sat­ur­day, four men who were knowl­edge­able about nature suc­cess­ful­ly went “bird hunt­ing” in the Low­er Oder Val­ley. As part of the nation­wide “Bir­drace” obser­va­tion com­pe­ti­tion, Mar­tin Malk­mus, Andreas and Tobias Wirs­ing and Sev­erin Zil­lich record­ed all the bird species that they could dis­cov­er from mid­night until late in the evening — on a route from Fel­chowsee via Criewen and Schwedt north to the Teero­fen Bridge. In the end there were an impres­sive 134 species on their list, a record for the “Oder­hüh­nchen” team, which took part in the Bir­drace for the third time. The rar­i­ties includ­ed the lit­tle moorhen and corn­crake, stilts and white-beard­ed terns. A whoop­er swan and three bean geese were seen as the last win­ter guests. Ear­li­er than usu­al, on the oth­er hand, a first yel­low mock­er had returned to the Oder Valley.

The four bird con­nois­seurs had a lot of fun with the cam­paign and it served a good cause, name­ly to adver­tise Germany’s only flood­plain nation­al park and its great bio­di­ver­si­ty. The Fed­er­a­tion for Envi­ron­ment and Nature Con­ser­va­tion Ger­many (BUND) sup­port­ed the team with 2 euros per species seen in favor of the new observ­er por­tal .

More about the results of the “Bir­drace 2013” under