On the pos­i­tive bal­ance — press con­fer­ence by Rolf Diet­rich, Wass­er- und Schiff­fahrt­samt Eber­swalde -

explains the association:

1. If the Schwedt port is already devel­op­ing as favor­ably as Rolf Diet­rich would like to believe, why is the expen­sive expan­sion of the Hohen­saat­en-Friedrich­sthaler Wasser­strasse (HoFri­Wa) for coasters?

2. The exist­ing port of Schwedt means no pol­lu­tion for nature con­ser­va­tion, it is just com­plete­ly over­sized and there­fore uneco­nom­i­cal, with and with­out expan­sion of the HoFri­Wa. Nev­er­the­less, we wish the port every success.

3. He will need it too: 2002 was an extreme­ly bad year for the port, a slight increase in through­put at the low­est lev­el is not yet a trend reversal.

4. Euro­pean ships have been oper­at­ing on the HoFri­Wa for a long time, even large motor ships (GMS), for which the Ger­man fed­er­al water­way sys­tem is still to be expand­ed, can already oper­ate between Schwedt and Stet­tin, even if only in one-way traf­fic. But even for that there is no need. Even less for the envi­ron­men­tal­ly dam­ag­ing expan­sion of the HoFri­Wa for a max­i­mum of 50 coast­ers exist­ing around the world at a cost of 40 million. €.

That is the point to argue about. The asso­ci­a­tion con­sid­ers the planned expan­sion of the HoFri­Wa, for which the plan­ning approval pro­ce­dure is cur­rent­ly run­ning, to be eco­nom­i­cal­ly non­sen­si­cal and eco­log­i­cal­ly dev­as­tat­ing, all in all irresponsible.

The board of directors