Pub­lic bus trans­port is the best way to pro­mote Ger­­man-Pol­ish exchange

On the occa­sion of the 750. The found­ing day of Greifen­hagen (Gryfi­no) on March 1st, 2004, declared the chair­man of the board of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V., Thomas Berg:

“With Poland’s acces­sion to the Euro­pean Union on May 1st, 2004, cus­toms clear­ance at the pre­vi­ous bor­der check­points will no longer be required, all that remains is a sim­pli­fied, brief pass­port con­trol. The pro­cess­ing is then much faster, the queues of cars are a thing of the past, at least that’s what the Fed­er­al Bor­der Police is right­ly expecting.

So it is about time that Ger­mans and Poles get clos­er as good neigh­bors. The Mescherin / Greifen­hagen (Gryfi­no) bor­der cross­ing must be open to all EU cit­i­zens by May 1st at the lat­est, not just for those liv­ing on the bor­der as before. How­ev­er, it should only be opened for pedes­tri­ans, cyclists and coach­es, not for indi­vid­ual car traf­fic. The nar­row road through the sen­si­tive nature reserve is not suit­able for this.

Instead, a pub­lic bus should be set up, which runs every hour from Greifen­hagen (Gryfi­no) via Mescherin and Gartz to Schwedt and from there again over the bridge to Nieder Kränig (Kra­jnik Dol­ny) and via Königs­berg (Cho­j­na) to Greifen­hagen (Gryfi­no) . Such a bus in the round­about would actu­al­ly bring peo­ple togeth­er, even those who can­not or do not want to afford a car. Also in Frank­furt / O. Inci­den­tal­ly, a cross-bor­der tram is being dis­cussed. This serves shop­ping tourism as well as school exchanges. That would be a real­ly cross-bor­der pilot project, a good birth­day present! ”