National park opponents meet with themselves
Bischoff’s location conference as a funeral for the national park!
The future conference called by the self-appointed bishop of the Uckermark unites all opponents of the national park, but does not lead to an open and honest discussion with all those concerned and involved, and certainly not to solve pending questions. A solution without the nature conservation and environmental protection associations is difficult to imagine; a solution without the affected property owners is doomed to failure from the outset. So you stay among yourself at the future conference, mutually reinforce your own opinions, which are already established. We don’t want to disturb any further. The chance for dialogue has once again been missed.
The Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Unteres Odertal e. V. speaks out against the planned amendment of the National Park Act, which without question would only lead to a further weakening and softening of the already moderate protection status. Instead, the association demands the consistent implementation of the National Park Act and the maintenance and development plan. To this end, the state of Brandenburg must operate an active funding policy specifically for the national park, especially for local agriculture.
There are moments in life when you have to decide: Either you want a national park, then you have to implement it consistently in sensible steps or you lack the will, the strength or the courage to do so, then you should be honest and instead create a biosphere reserve or a nature park. We firmly reject a fraudulent label.
Thomas Berg