Attacks against zoo direc­tor Blaszkiewitz are attacks against the zoo -
all alle­ga­tions are so far with­out evidence


“The cam­­paign-like accu­sa­tions against the direc­tor of Zoo and Tier­park Berlin, Dr. Bern­hard Blaszkiewitz, are so far with­out evi­dence and evi­dence. From a legal point of view, the reports will prob­a­bly not even be inves­ti­gat­ed, and as far as human beings are con­cerned, no charges are to be expect­ed, let alone convictions.


Also from a tech­ni­cal and zoo­log­i­cal point of view, Mr. Blaszkiewitz can­not be blamed. In his work, the inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned zool­o­gist has ren­dered out­stand­ing ser­vices to the pro­tec­tion of species and to nature con­ser­va­tion, with which he has been a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V. and as chair­man of the board of trustees of the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion Unteres Oder­tal. But not only from a legal and zoo­log­i­cal, but also from an eth­i­cal point of view, Dr. Blaszkiewitz can­not be accused of wrongdoing.

The Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V. are strange, espe­cial­ly as one of the largest and most pow­er­ful nature con­ser­va­tion asso­ci­a­tions in Bran­den­burg, the unqual­i­fied and hate­ful attacks of some self-appoint­ed ani­mal rights activists. All over the world, zoo­log­i­cal gar­dens are being attacked by ani­mal rights activists who have gone wild, and some are already closed. The pro­tec­tion of ani­mals in their nat­ur­al habi­tat is clos­er to our nature con­ser­va­tion asso­ci­a­tion than zoo ani­mal hus­bandry, but the ongo­ing destruc­tion of our envi­ron­ment makes zoos indis­pens­able not only for edu­ca­tion and research, but above all for species pro­tec­tion. Many ani­mal species would have long been extinct with­out zoos, and some of them could be released back into the wild from captivity.

Dr. Blaszkiewitz is one of the few zoo direc­tors who is exem­plary in the coöper­a­tion between zoo and nature con­ser­va­tion, for exam­ple in the only nation­al park in Bran­den­burg. He must there­fore remain the zoo direc­tor, not only because of his unde­ni­able ser­vices to the zoo and for his home­town, but above all because of his work for nature con­ser­va­tion, which will also be nec­es­sary in the future. ”

Thomas Berg