Bird protection measures on medium-voltage overhead lines
The National Park Association has set itself the goal of improving nature conservation in the Lower Oder Valley in particular. In doing so, he is primarily concerned with finding constructive solutions for nature conservation with all those involved and by no means just assigning public blame. For a few months now, at the suggestion of the National Park Association, there has been a good coöperation with the local E.DIS AG in Angermünde. The National Park Association sees with concern that large birds, including storks, are repeatedly being killed on the medium-current lines, which have not all been laid underground. We want to eliminate this unnecessary and unsightly cause of death. The effort is manageable. The current regulations require safety measures for the masts anyway. But they haven’t caught on everywhere yet.
The responsible employees of E.DIS and the National Park Association have now started joint inspections in the national park region. Where improvements to protect the birds on the masts are possible and necessary, they will now be tackled — and of course also checked. One of the three lines has already been checked, the other two will follow shortly. Residents of the region are asked to report lines to the National Park Association (email: ) that we do not yet have an eye on in order to protect the birds.
The coöperation between E.DIS AG and the National Park Association is based on the common desire to ensure the legally required safety measures on the medium-voltage lines. This factual and calm coöperation has proven itself. We will continue.

Eagle owl as a victim of electric shock in a medium-voltage pylon (Photo: Lutz Dalbeck)