No large shred­der sys­tem for cranes in the nation­al park region

In the local area of Hohensel­chow in the Gartz office, a change to the zon­ing plan is cur­rent­ly being dis­cussed. A spe­cial wind ener­gy park area is to be iden­ti­fied. The munic­i­pal­i­ty of Hohensel­chow has clear­ly spo­ken out in favor of the wind ener­gy park. The process is cur­rent­ly being exam­ined by the Gartz office.

The Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V. cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly rejects a spe­cial area wind ener­gy park close to the bor­der to the nation­al park region and thus also in the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Hohensel­chow. Such a con­cen­tra­tion area for wind tur­bines would cause con­sid­er­able dam­age to the nation­al park, in par­tic­u­lar to the cranes, wild geese and oth­er migra­to­ry birds. At the moment around 8,500 cranes are rest­ing again in the Low­er Oder Val­ley. In recent years, between 4,000 and 15,000 birds have always been count­ed. This makes the region one of the largest Cen­tral Euro­pean inland rest­ing places for cranes.

In recent years, espe­cial­ly in autumn, a real crane tourism has devel­oped in the Low­er Oder Val­ley. With well over 100 par­tic­i­pants, the annu­al crane tour of the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion is by far the most pop­u­lar event as part of the Nation­al Park Foundation’s excur­sion pro­gram. The cranes not only bring good luck, they also bring vis­i­tors and thus stay and thus mon­ey to the region.

There has been a lot of dis­cus­sion and argu­ment about wind tur­bines in the Uck­er­mark in recent months. It has been proven that their influ­ence on the bird world, espe­cial­ly on bird migra­tion, is extreme­ly neg­a­tive. In par­tic­u­lar in the nation­al park region and in the adja­cent areas, wind tur­bines are there­fore to be reject­ed, espe­cial­ly on such an unusu­al crane rest­ing place. We there­fore call on the Gartz office and the Uck­er­mark dis­trict to refuse the per­mits required for wind tur­bines, in par­tic­u­lar the amend­ment of the land use plan for the munic­i­pal­i­ty of Hohenselchow.

The board of directors