The right of first refusal against the National Park Association cannot be exercised
Before the district court of Frankfurt / O. As an agricultural court, the district of Barnim (Agricultural Office) failed with the attempt to use the Land Movement Act to obtain a right of first refusal vis-à-vis the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Unteres Odertal e. V. exercise.
The Agricultural Court overturned the refusal notice of the district administrator of the Barnims district of 08.08.2012, on the grounds that closer investigations had shown that there was no interested buyer at all who would have been able to do what the National Park Association offered in a public tendering process Price to also acquire the areas advertised publicly by the BVVG.
The agricultural coöperative “Odertal” e. G. Lüdersdorf had agreed to pay a significantly lower purchase price than one and a half times the market value determined by the expert. This means that the agricultural land remains in the possession of the National Park Association and can be entered in the land register as its property. However, the Agricultural Court has admitted the appeal.
Thomas Berg