Successful workshops of the LIFE AMPHICON project of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Association at the Teerofenbrücke Wilderness School
Criewen, 13 July 2023 — As part of the LIFE AMPHICON project, two successful workshops were recently held at the Wilderness School of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Association. The events offered various school classes the unique opportunity to actively learn about practical nature conservation and experience nature in a playful way.
LIFE AMPHICON, a wide-ranging nature conservation project of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Association together with the European Union, aims to protect particularly endangered amphibian species such as the fire-bellied toad and the great crested newt and their habitats. Equally important is the implementation of environmental education measures to sensitise the next generation to the importance of species conservation and to involve them in active work.
One highlight of the workshops was the monitoring of the development of amphibian populations at renaturalised small bodies of water in the Felchowsee area. The pupils had the opportunity to learn more about the interrelationships in our local waters.
There was also an exciting landing net excursion to the polder areas of the Lower Oder Valley National Park with Year 3 pupils from the Bruno H. Bürgel primary school in Eberswalde. Back at the wilderness school, various types of ponds and pools were microscoped by the pupils in the laboratory room, allowing them to experience the diversity of the ecosystem at first hand.
“The workshops as part of the LIFE AMPHICON project enable schoolchildren to experience practical nature conservation and get actively involved in the protection of endangered amphibian species,” explains Lars Schulz, project manager of the AMPHICON project. “It is very important to us to get young people interested in nature conservation, because you only protect what you love and you only love what you know.”
These successful workshops emphasise the commitment of the Lower Oder Valley National Park Association to the protection of amphibians and the training of the next generation of conservationists.
Press contact:
Lars Schulz
National Park Association Lower Oder Valley
Park 3, Criewen Castle
16303 Schwedt/Oder
Telefon: +49 3332–2198–25
Pictures of the monitoring at the Felchowsee area
Class of the Montessori School Berlin
Picture credits: Lars Schulz
Pictures Wilderness School Teerofenbrücke
Bruno H. Bürgel Primary School
Picture credits: Lars Schulz et al.