Elks on the rise
On Wednesday, 25 October 2023 at around 2.30 p.m., our nature conservation partner Łukasz Ławicki took a photo of a westward-migrating, capital moose cow on the road from Gryfino to Mescherin in the Lower Oder Valley International Park, i.e. in the Lower Oder Protected Landscape Park (Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Dolnej Odry), but not far from the German border. Soon, as in Sweden, a moose sign will be placed along the road to indicate possible game crossing. We will be pleased if the elk, despite the many ASF fences, finds its way to Germany and is neither shot nor killed there. Welcome!
Kind regards
The board of directors

Cow moose between Gryfino and Mescherin on 25 October 2023 (Photo: Łukasz Ławicki)