Treichel drains the national park

False reports from the Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Admin­is­tra­tion must not be left uncom­ment­ed! (07.09.2011)

“Con­trary to reports to the con­trary, the head of the nation­al park admin­is­tra­tion, Dirk Tre­ichel, pumped the Fid­di­chow Pold­er (10) emp­ty on a large scale in the sum­mer of 2011. Although the cost­ly and ener­­gy-inten­­sive pump­ing out of the water from the heart of the only Auen­na­tion­al Park in Ger­many began lat­er than in pre­vi­ous years due to the weath­er, every­one could still see for them­selves at the end of August at the pump­ing sta­tion, a few meters south of the tar­ry oven bridge, how water on a large scale was pumped out of the nation­al park. The dam­age to a flood­plain ecosys­tem that is depen­dent on a nat­ur­al water lev­el in a nation­al park is like­ly to be enor­mous, even if most of the birds have already com­plet­ed their breed­ing busi­ness. In every nation­al park, how­ev­er, the mot­to “let nature be nature” and min­i­mize human inter­fer­ence applies. The nation­al park also by no means only pro­tects birds, but entire ecosys­tems from human interference.

Pump­ing the only nation­al park in Bran­den­burg on the instruc­tions of the respon­si­ble head of the nation­al park admin­is­tra­tion is not only eco­log­i­cal­ly cat­a­stroph­ic, but also com­plete­ly unnec­es­sary from an eco­nom­ic point of view. As ear­ly as 2009, the Nation­al Park Asso­ci­a­tion con­trac­tu­al­ly agreed with prac­ti­cal­ly all farm­ers work­ing in the area that they agree to keep the inlet and out­let struc­tures open all year round and accept nat­ur­al water con­di­tions. For this agree­ment they were held harm­less else­where by the Nation­al Park Asso­ci­a­tion. So the farm­ers are no longer mak­ing any claim to an arti­fi­cial­ly low­ered water lev­el. The nation­al park admin­is­tra­tion, on the oth­er hand, ignores this vol­un­tary agree­ment and con­tin­ues to drain the nation­al park, although the drainage of the land­scape is becom­ing an increas­ing prob­lem in Brandenburg.

The Nation­al Park Asso­ci­a­tion will, how­ev­er, con­tin­ue to exer­cise its guardian­ship at the Nation­al Park and ensure and urge that there is no fraud­u­lent label­ing in the Low­er Oder Val­ley and that a real Nation­al Park (accord­ing to IUCN Cat­e­go­ry II) can devel­op in the fore­see­able future. “20 years after the tem­po­rary pro­tec­tion of the Low­er Oder­tals for a nation­al park, it is final­ly high time.

Dr. Ans­gar Vössing
Deputy CEO