Offspring among the water buffalo

Two water buf­fa­lo calves were born on Tues­day and Thurs­day last week. They belong to the herd of water buf­fa­lo in Bran­den­burg, which will soon be increased to 25 cat­tle. The own­er is the farmer Wolf­gang Dehn­ert from Gartz / O. The herd with the young can be seen in the Friedrich­sthaler Pold­er (5/6) between Gartz and Friedrich­sthal (Nation­al Park Zone II).

The Euro­pean water buf­fa­lo is a domes­tic cat­tle adapt­ed to par­tic­u­lar­ly humid loca­tions, as it is still kept today main­ly in the Balka­ns and Italy, but increas­ing­ly also in Cen­tral Europe. In the nation­al park, with the intro­duc­tion of the water buf­fa­lo, the asso­ci­a­tion aims to secure agri­cul­tur­al income in the long term and at the same time to improve nature con­ser­va­tion over the long term. Where water buf­fa­lo graze exten­sive­ly, the annu­al cost­ly and ener­­gy-inten­­sive pump­ing out of the only flood­plain nation­al park in Ger­many, which dam­ages nature so mas­sive­ly, is no longer nec­es­sary. Of course, no water buf­fa­lo are kept in the total reserves des­ig­nat­ed by the State of Bran­den­burg in order to make the wor­ries and fears that arise again super­flu­ous from the outset.

Thomas Berg