Homemade flood (May 31, 2010)


“Just 13 years after the last flood of the cen­tu­ry, the next flood of the cen­tu­ry rush­es through the Oder Val­ley, per­haps a result of man-made cli­mate change.

First of all, our atten­tion and our sym­pa­thy go to the pro­tec­tion of the peo­ple affect­ed. But one must also be able to say that the increas­ing­ly fre­quent and dif­fi­cult flood sit­u­a­tions are also a result of the arti­fi­cial nar­row­ing of the Oder. The polit­i­cal insight “Let the rivers their space” has been fad­ing away for 13 years. Not a sin­gle pold­er, per­haps apart from the tiny, already unused Staffelder Pold­er (8), has been opened to flood­ing on the Oder in Bran­den­burg since then. The polit­i­cal­ly respon­si­ble lacked the strength to polit­i­cal­ly enforce what was fac­tu­al­ly rec­og­nized as cor­rect against resis­tance. There must be more flood­plains on the Oder, on the cen­tral Oder, but also in Silesia.

In the Low­er Oder Val­ley, the riv­er still has the nec­es­sary space. Here it can spread out if nec­es­sary. The Lunow-Stolper Pold­er could also be used as a flood area again. The politi­cians in the state of Bran­den­burg only pay lip ser­vice to this. Only the Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V. buys all avail­able land there against the dogged resis­tance of the respon­si­ble author­i­ties and con­verts arable land into grass­land, a nec­es­sary pre­req­ui­site for a pos­si­ble flood­ing. He does not receive any sup­port or fund­ing for this — actu­al­ly a state task. The good inten­tions and announce­ments of the Bran­den­burg state gov­ern­ment to give the Oder more space must final­ly be fol­lowed by action. The flood of the cen­tu­ry in 2010 should also be a reminder of this. ”

Thomas Berg