If it says nation­al park on it, it has to be a nation­al park

Today, on Wednes­day, June 21st, 2006, the Bran­den­burg State Par­lia­ment will dis­cuss the new nation­al park law draft passed by the Bran­den­burg State Gov­ern­ment on May 30th, 2006 in the first read­ing and pre­sum­ably refer it to the spe­cial­ist com­mit­tees. The nature con­ser­va­tion asso­ci­a­tions, includ­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Unteres Oder­tal e. V. as a local devel­op­ment asso­ci­a­tion, crit­i­cize the draft law as a sham pack­age and a fraud­u­lent label. It is true that 50% of the nation­al park area, i.e. around 5,000 hectares, will be des­ig­nat­ed as a future total reserve. How­ev­er, unlike in the old law, there is no statu­to­ry dead­line for spe­cif­ic expul­sion, so there is no time pres­sure and no devel­op­ment. It is well known that paper is patient.

In the nation­al park, every­thing is pos­si­ble that pre­vi­ous users togeth­er could wish for, albeit with time and space restric­tions: swim­ming, rid­ing, ice skat­ing, canoe­ing, hunt­ing, fish­ing, fish­ing, etc. Even the total reserves do not keep what they promise.

A nation­al park becomes an amuse­ment park. Noth­ing against these beau­ti­ful leisure activ­i­ties that are grant­ed to every­one. In Brandenburg’s only nation­al park, on 0.3% of the land area, nature con­ser­va­tion must also have pri­or­i­ty. That is pre­cise­ly the unique sell­ing point of a nation­al park. Every­thing else is a fraud­u­lent label.

Vis­i­tors are of course wel­come in the nation­al park. There are over 200 kilo­me­ters of hik­ing and bik­ing trails at your dis­pos­al. That should actu­al­ly be enough.

The Friends’ Asso­ci­a­tion there­fore calls on the Bran­den­burg State Par­lia­ment to revise the law passed by the gov­ern­ment in such a way that it can meet the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al cri­te­ria of a nation­al park with­in a clear­ly lim­it­ed peri­od of time. Oth­er­wise Bran­den­burg will make itself ridicu­lous through­out Germany.

Thomas Berg