National Park Yearbook Lower Odertal 2004 published
At the beginning of 2005, the first Lower Oder Valley National Park Yearbook 2004 is on the market. It summarizes articles and lectures that were published in the course of 2004 from the area of the National Park Foundation Unteres Odertal, the Association of Friends of the German-Polish European National Park Unteres Odertal e. V. and the Internationalpark Unteres Odertal gGmbH were created, as well as lectures that were held at events of the Brandenburg Academy of Criewen Castle — German-Polish environmental education and meeting center in 2004 and that are directly related to the Unteres Odertal National Park. In addition, this yearbook is the first to publish a comprehensive bibliography of all scientific papers relating to the Lower Oder Valley National Park, an important basis for scientific work in the future.
The National Park Yearbook Unteres Odertal 2004 has an ISBN number and is therefore available in all important academic libraries in Germany. It is fully quotable. It is available from the National Park Foundation’s office at a price of € 6.50.
In the future, too, it is planned to publish a National Park Yearbook Lower Oder Valley at the end of each year. It should be a forum for everyone who has something to say about the development of the national park and the national park region in the eastern Ucker-mark. Only in open dialogue can the best ideas and concepts develop in order to sustainably promote the only national park in Brandenburg and regional development.
I recommend you, your readers, listeners and viewers, the first Lower Oder Valley National Park Yearbook 2004 in a special way.
Dr. Ansgar Vössing