Zoo­log­i­­cal-botan­i­­cal excur­sion  in the Low­er Oder Valley

On Sat­ur­day, August 13th, 2005 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion invites you to a zoo­log­i­cal and botan­i­cal excur­sion in the Low­er Oder Val­ley. The excur­sion begins at the park­ing lot in front of the Teero­fen­brücke Wilder­ness School and is pre­sent­ed in a gen­er­al­ly under­stand­able form by the sci­en­tif­ic staff of the Muse­um für Naturkunde Berlin Dr. Jür­gen Deck­ert, Dr. Cor­nelia Deck­ert, Dr. Anke Hoff­mann and Dr. Wol­fram Mey directed.

The tour is free, dona­tions are wel­come. Pre-reg­is­­tra­­tion by phone on Tel.-No .: 03332/219822 is desired.

The board of directors