Bison girl on the go!

On Wednes­day evening, Novem­ber 18th, 2015, a bison calf escaped dur­ing a load­ing action at the bison enclo­sure at the for­mer Criewen chick­en farm. Appar­ent­ly in a pan­ic, the bison girl broke the trans­port safe­ty device and, despite inten­sive search­es by the local hunters, has unfor­tu­nate­ly not yet been found. The young ani­mal is used to peo­ple and not dan­ger­ous. Although it finds opti­mal liv­ing con­di­tions in the wilder­ness of the nation­al park, it needs care and, as a herd ani­mal, con­nec­tion to the herd. The only dan­ger could be that the fright­ened ani­mal will run out onto the road and endan­ger the traf­fic. All dri­vers in the Criewen area are there­fore asked to dri­ve par­tic­u­lar­ly atten­tive­ly and carefully.

The ani­mal, which is around one year old, should quick­ly return to its herd. All ani­mal lovers are there­fore called upon to report imme­di­ate­ly if the young ani­mal is seen any­where. It is then anes­thetized by the vet and returned to the herd.

All res­i­dents and vis­i­tors are asked to help! Please do not scare, scare or even shoot the ani­mal, it is a breed­ing ani­mal of a native species that is threat­ened with extinc­tion and is protected!

Please report all inci­dents and obser­va­tions to:
Mr. Michael (Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion) Tel .: 03332/21980, 0179/7694785
Mr. Meene (super­vi­sor, Criewen) 0172/9568607