Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of German-Polish
Euro­pean-Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park

Asso­ci­a­tion of Friends of the Ger­man-Pol­ish Euro­pean Nation­al Park Low­er Oder Val­ley e.V.
Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park Foundation

Conference: What digs where and when in the forest? Mice and other small mammals

Conference: What digs where and when in the forest? Mice and other small mammals

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What is dig­ging where and when in the for­est? Mice and oth­er small mammals

The Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park and many oth­er pro­tect­ed areas in the north Ger­man low­lands tra­di­tion­al­ly focus on bird research. In addi­tion to ornithology
mam­mal stud­ies are often neglect­ed. Most of the mam­mals in the for­est are noc­tur­nal and dif­fi­cult to observe. With this Ger­man-Pol­ish con­fer­ence we want to track them down, for exam­ple with mam­mal stud­ies in the two nation­al parks of the Low­er Oder Val­ley Nation­al Park and the Slowin­s­ki Nation­al Park. At the con­fer­ence, among oth­er things, report­ed on the Ger­man-Pol­ish coöper­a­tion project in mam­mal science.

In addi­tion, all mam­mal researchers are invit­ed to bring their expe­ri­ences and results from mam­mal research in Cen­tral Euro­pean forests to gen­er­al knowl­edge and to present them for dis­cus­sion. First of all mice and oth­er rodents, but also oth­er mam­mals, immi­grant and return­ing home, should be discussed.

The con­fer­ence is aimed at con­ser­va­tion­ists and mam­mal researchers, but also at fish­er­men and anglers, farm­ers and foresters and offi­cials. The aim is a broad exchange of expe­ri­ences among mam­mal researchers with con­clu­sions about the upcom­ing cli­mate changes and the expect­ed shifts in the spec­trum of species.

Con­fer­ence lan­guages: Ger­man, Polish

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