On this bicycle excursion (10–15 km), experts from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will introduce you to the unique flora and fauna of the Lower Oder Valley National Park, Germany’s most biodiverse habitat, scientifically guided yet generally understandable. Under the direction of Dr. C. Deckert, Dr. J. Deckert, Dr. A. Hoffmann and Dr. W. Mey you will learn many interesting and interesting facts about mice, small mammals, butterflies, bugs, birds, plants, plant galls and much more. A determination book is an advantage.
The excursion is free, but donations are welcome.
We ask for prior registration at the e‑mail address: , phone +49 (0)3332–219822 or via the booking function at the bottom of this page.
Overnight accommodations, if desired, can be reserved at the Teerofenbrücke Wilderness School by calling 03332/838840 or .
The board of directors

Squirrel (Photo: W. Stürzbecher)